yup, im moving blog. haha. cause i decided i need a fresh start. =D
hahaha.if u read it properly it actually reads zi to the zi. in other words its zizi! haha. anyways. thanks for sticking with this blog all this while. love you loads. byes. =D
i love this house, but its haunted without you.
listen to little house – amanda seyfried. =).
hello pretty people of the pretty planet earth, how art thou? =)
erm. so midterms are over. can i hear a yoo to the hoo!. =)
*puts hands to ear but only hears cricket sounds*
so i had waffles today! omg so unhealthy right.
but then its chocolate and strawberry… go uhhhmmmmm~~~~
then i bought bubble tea, but its for my cousin. but then my mama was late to fetch me. so i had half the bubble tea! its healthier kay cause i asked for aloe vera instead of the black round stuff. =)
NOTE : Briana says shes fat. she wants u to call and tell her shes fat so her diet plan will work. can my bestie get any more bimbotic? ==.
okay. bimboness aside. midterms was kinda sucky. cause i lacked sleep during exam. and tried to compensate by being extra cheerful but didnt work i think. pray hard my results are ok. ><
erm other than that my life is boring.
OMG I HAVE TO TELL U ABOUT MY CLASSMATE JIN LI WHO TAKES ONE HR TO CHOOSE A KEYCHAIN AND WHAT TO ENGRAVE ON IT. i swear we were standing at the stall for at least one hr lo. im surprised the shop people didnt give us beh song face d. ><
so im craving sushi and dim sum. some kind person will bring me one day. =D
i deno wad to say liao. owh. dumbledore rocks at taking pics. but im lazy to upload here. so yeah. haha. later another day kk. =).
i lub u! yes u! im talkin to u! =).
P/S bla bla bla. =D
picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor
every word you say i think i should write down. don’t wanna forget come daylight.
hello pretty people
yes the time is correct. i woke up at the ungodly hour of 3am to study malaysian studies. you know you are a nerd when you are willing to wake up so early to study malaysian studies. but then, i have failed. so far only finished 2 chapters. haha. given up reading the book, reading the notes by teacher.
oh my moral teacher is the same teacher as my malaysian studies teacher. TT. and our group video presentation got 9 or 9.5 out of 10. *big grins*.
so last week, cant remember wad day. meiyih suddenly pulled this baby out from her bag.
and since we are kids. guess wad we made.
a highway! HHAHAHAHAHAH.
ok fine i made a highway. then angus decided not fun enough so he made it backwards. and the car was stuck in the middle. ==.
im gonna see my new baby later today. =). <3
P/S. stresssss. me die now. *flops down on floor and stops breathing*
P/P/S owh going back to support hijau on friday i think. lets go! sms me if u wanna go. =).
just because.
haha. i am bored. even though i have like tons of assignments to do and study and make notes. i feel like relaxing today, cause after all, its labour day! hhaa
so found this quote on google.
Bill Gates - Be nice to nerds, chances are you’ll end up working for one
hehe i heard it before but i still laughed when i saw it. haha. =)
okays. i deno wad to write again. ==
owhs, times having sale at bangsar shopping centre. like they got all the current books and lit books and all. discounts up to 90%. =).
tried to be chilled, but your so hot that i melted.
hello pretty people. =)
how art thou? im fine thank you
i am bored. lmao okok i shall stop
erm… updates on my life. isssssssss *drumroll*
- tried my first ever boost juice.
- didn’t have starbucks last month! wooooooooo. clap hands please
- have 15 bucks left to spend for last month. today the first btw, so new pocket money. =)
- erm. nothing else i think. yes joanna is a boring person.
- owh i wore my new rubber holey shoes yesterday. then went to sunway pyramid after coll, stepped into a puddle. ==. and now i have blisters. haha.
- psychology and accounts marks managed to maintain. but my maths. TT. first time ever i felt so helpless for a maths paper.
- needs a break. TT. starting to plan my holiday d. haha. if u wanna see me during my hols. i am only free from erm. 6 to 10 june. other than that my holidays are booked. sorays. ><
- saw loong loong and suet ping and tou tou and ru yan at pyramid yesterday .ahah
- chs sports day next saturday. go hijau!! =)
- erm erm. my driving is temporarily stop jor. i mean lessons. cause i cant find suitable time to go for amali talk. so yeah. haha.
i deno wad to say liao. =). owh. im thinkin of getting a new phone. suggestions please! currently considering nokia e72. =).
secret recipe to being a happy person. =)
LIC club in session. =)
hello pretty people who still read i blog. =)
so i’m doing psychology this year for SAM right, and theres this part in my psychology textbook that tells u how to learn to be a happier person. like OMG? who doesn’t want to be happier? unless your some kinda goth emo person. O.O.
anyways, so what is the recipe to being a happier person. =)
sugar, spice and everything nice!!
ok seriously, to be happier, you should write down 3 good things that happened in your life that day. even if your having a really bad day, just write 3 good things that happened that day. also write why it made you happy.
for example, break time was great today
why? because i have awesome LIC people who make my laugh until my stomach hurts during break. =)
quite simple right? so you can do it too! and be a happier person. cause whats the point of living if your emo all the time! if your too lazy to write it down go spam my fb wall with it or tell me on msn or email about it. =).
loving the classmates and all the crazy times we have. some pictures not here, i’ll put them in slowly la. =p
Louise’s Birthday
Briana, Louise and i went to celebrate Louise’s birthday at Kissaten at Palm Square. Louise was late. lmao. It was fun catching up and enjoying the food. owh owh. i’d give Kissaten a 3.5 out of 5.
There was good ambience, the service wasn’t too bad and the food was great. the drinks were… interesting? haha. i’ll let the pictures do the talking. =)
My phone can fit inside the cup!! =)
cucumber and lychee drink. lmao
We had peas while waiting for louise.
accidental heartshape.
ma food. haha
Louise is so happy she’s crying!
Briana was being so lame, she kept saying after blow candles must cut cake, cannot blow nose in between. ==
I Believe...
That we don't have to change friends if
We understand that friends change.
love you guys loads. ill always be there for u. =)
P/S lou i still owe u a pressie. haha
moment of the day
we were having accounts class.
so one of my classmates Li Teng gave me some choc wafer thing, so u noe me i’ll do my celebratory sway from left to right with a little bob of the head right. ahaha. teacher caught me doing it. and started staring at me.
i couldn’t help it i started giggling and laughing. and couldn’t stop, was practically crying with laughter.
then teacher ignored me and went back to teaching. and i was sorta talking to myself going like i don get this. then teacher was like u dun understand?? i couldn’t help it started laughing again.
then teacher was like, i thought your one of the quiet ones. the people who sit with me started laughing like hell. Hahahh!!!!
life is sorta good. =)
it’s funny how strangers can become good friends, while good friends become strangers
i don’t know you anymore.
Louise says i sound depressed. am i? TT
been busy this weekend, busy next weekend, busy weekend after next and probably busy at the next next next weekend too. depressing much?
anyways, have decided to take a new lease on life. will act the way i want to and not cause i want to take care of people’s feelings, cause frankly. i am a human being too, not just someone there to hear your every whine, i have as much feelings as you, it’s just i choose not to show it.
today i did a survey, there was one question which reli struck me. what opinion do you have about your friends? you know what i answered, they’re there for you, but they will never really know you.
isn’t it amazing how my classmates of only 4 months can tell me the simple words i’ll be there for you, and make my day all the better. but friends of at least 5 yrs cant even say a simple hi, instead keep ignoring and doing irritating emoticons, not to mention cant even TALK TO ME. you don’t even read this anyways, you don’t care about how i feel anymore. so whatever la.
on a happier note, porky noodle tomorrow! =).
part 7
from the lib days. miss them. TT
hehe. so your actually one of my besties as well. i used to tell u everything single thing when we went to the lib all the time last time. i miss you. ><
anyways, ur a great person. the guy who gets u is lucky. =). and u look great nowadays btw. =)
when u free? we go out. =). movie marathon again!. and cheesecakeee!!! wooohoooo. ahha! =). i need back my secret recipe partner. =)
P/S im there for you whenever u wanna talk. =)
P/P/S econs presentation tomoro. yikes. ><
P/P/P/S everybody changing relationship status on april fools day. ==
part 6
hehe. i like the photo. haha!
anyways, thanks for everything. tryin to cheer me up when im down, helping me with my maths and with all the studyin last time. introducing me to minesweeper flags! haha. and everything la. =)
i don noe wad to say liao. o.-. cept. u shud smile more too. =p.
oh, and put on some more weight pls. ==.
part 5
picture when i still had short hair. ><
doink!. haha. anyways. do i need to say more? i know you’ll always be in my life, you kinda don’t have a choice bout that. haha. and you’ll always be there for me to bully.
don’t be so blur la. ==. and gratz on the spm results! =). YOU DID GREAT, DATIN KHOO IS VERY IMPRESSED. HAHA. yeah, so i’ll always be there for you whenever you need somebody to talk to. =).
owh. shuba and i miss the lib days. TT. we shall have a field trip one day! and go visit the lib again. and go taman selera/mcD’s/secret recipe/petrol station for food. HAHA.
loves. =)
part 4
she calls me her partner in crime. =p. she’s the one who brightens up my day when i go to college everyday! =)
anyways, i’ve known you since form 1! gosh we’re old. we weren’t really that close. the occasional hi, bye, weird random thought. haha!. oh yeah, not to forget rumah! haha. you teman-ed me during rumah in form 3 i think? lmao.
then this year we ended up choosing the same subjects. and ended up in the same class in college. haha. coincidence much? i guess we weren’t that close before, but now i tell you almost everything. =).
not to mention, we share robert too. haha.
thank you for teman-ing me do some crazy things nowadays, handling my kiasu-ness and weird mood swings, not to mention me constantly saying im hungry. haha.
work hard for the goals that you have set! and we will both achieve the TERs that we want. not to mention, don’t hesitate to ask me questions if you don’t understand anything in class, and i’d return the favour! if i don’t understand either we will ask teacher. lol. =)
part 3
dug up the photo from class trip. look at aun in the background. LMAO.
thank you for being in my life! the gay best friend who is not gay. lmao. anyways, u give me great advice, most of the time the advice is in favour of people that your close to though. ==.
thanks for caring about how i feel. you even know when i feel angry just by one word. LMAO. i swear my phone inbox atm has the most msgs from u askin bout whether im ok. haha. its a good thing. haha.
so yeah. don’t worry so much about the future, the the friend, and well life. just live life to the fullest! and have funnnnn!!! =). that doesn’t mean going out all the time. more like doing things that are productive. ==.
owh yeah. learn to save. don’t spend all your money all the time. think about whether you really need something then only buy it, not just cause you want to spend your money or you have extra money.
i’m there for you 24/7. ok, maybe not when im sleeping. but yeah, u get the drift. if you have probs, you can tell me about it, and i’d give you my honest opinion.
P/S i am procrastinating. so shoot me. o.-
part 2
to Jie-En
heys. =) you’ve always been there for me. sometimes giving me good advice, sometimes just laughing at me when i tell you my problems. ==.
thanks for helping me through everything, the good and the bad. thanks for sharing my joy and my sorrow.
enjoy your time in college, being so young right now. cause we can’t live it again. appreciate the good moments and learn from the bad ones. have more confidence in who you are, cause YOUR AWESOME! =).
im always there for you when you need me. to help u thru the good times and the bad. =). loves
part one
ok. i am super omg bored. and i am trying to avoid doing my assignments just yet. so i have decided to celebrate the people in my life! =). family not included. they noe i love them. =)
so i met briana in form 2. headed off to a rocky start. but things got better in form 4 and 5. and she is now my best friend! =). i may be at coll and u not, but u still know almost everything about me. the stuff you don’t know, you don’t need to know, it’s about my schoolwork. it will just bore you to death. =)
btw, i figured out what u did to change ur name in my phone. ==.
u’ll always have a space in my heart! so talk to me when you need to. and i’ll return the favour. loves
upates =)
above is my perasan partner in crime. haha!
anyways, here is an update. to the readers i have left. i doubt i have any readers left though. haha!
so SAM is pretty busy, in a good way i guess? =). im kept busy instead of thinkin of bad things, for the most part. i have 6 assignments currently. and i kiasu kiasi la, i wanna be top, so im tryin to make my own notes. but i find i don;t have enough time even though i just laze around all day, oh yeah, i have one week break right now. i planned loads of stuff to do, like go jogging everyday. but it’s been raining. TT. i wanna finish the 6 assignments by this week. cross your fingers for me eh. =s
erms… and LEO. haha. im gonna try to be more active la. =). but the busy schedule thing is killing me again. haihz. ><. but i’ll try real hard! =)
okays. other than that my life is drama drama drama. ==. haha.! ok not quite that bad. but yeah, there is drama. its stressing me out. i feel tired all the time. mayb im depressed. ==. okays. mayb im not. oops, im talking to myself. O.o
above pic is to show u the wonders of getting free krispy kreme! =)
omg, let me tell u bout driving wei. the contact is my fren gave one. i called him and bla bla bla. so yesterday was the undang talk. ok i got in the car. then fell asleep. suddenly omg why am i in hulu langat. ==. yes on the phone he told me yeah pj, section 8. ok so i tot i noe where .then suddenly shit, theres a section 8 in hulu langat. *bangs head*. so yeah, i basically stoned in an undang talk in hulu langat. ==. and i was bored. CAUSE ME FRENS NEVER ANSWER ME SMS. ==. ok im kidding, some ppl did. the others are losers. ok. im kidding, i dun blame u for not answering. haha!. oh, and the undang guy was like so lame wei!!!. ==.
yeah. and i have decided to ignore the dramas and be happy with who i am. and love me for who i am. =). cause otherwise there’s no point in living is there? and i won’t care bout who likes me anymore. cause im gonna grow old with my 72dogs. like woo to the hoo!. =). anybody wanna join? haha!
starbucks is near. like woo to the hoo! =)… ooo j-card holders get 10% discount. =)
i love college. and i love my classmates. so yeah. i still love everybody who isn’t my classmate though. but sometimes i gotta wonder. do my frens who are not my classmates actually care bout me that much? i know some do. =). for the rest. i still care about you, but it would be nice to talk to you once in a while. even if it is to be lame together. =)
owhs. my spm results a. im happy with it. =). i hope people who didn’t get results as ok as mine would be happy for me too. =). im sorry u didn’t get the results you wanted, but put it behind you! and strive ahead! and work hard! and im always there to help you if you need the help! even if i’m not taking the subject i can still lame and make you feel a bit better! =). (this is for everybody btw. haha)from meiyih. <3
i don’t know what else to say.
oh yeah, shout out to the following people
pui – HELLLOOOOO. i miss uuu. ><
dan dan – u will forever be the best friend. don’t worry. =). <3
seng – we’re depressed, woohoo! haha.
en – lmao. nth to say. haha!
meiyih – boo! haha. robert =)
owh. i love u all pretty people. don’t judge a person by how they look, or how rich they are, judge a person by how much that person is willing to care for u. =)
400th post. =)

symptoms of depression
-Sadness or hopelessness
-Irritability, anger, or hostility
-Tearfulness or frequent crying
-Withdrawal from friends and family
-Loss of interest in activities
-Changes in eating and sleeping habits
-Restlessness and agitation
-Feelings of worthlessness and guilt
-Lack of enthusiasm and motivation
-Fatigue or lack of energy
-Difficulty concentrating
-Thoughts of death or suicide
see, i have everything cept the last fun fact. LMAO.
how to deal with depressed people.
- offer support
- be gentle but persistent
- listen without lecturing
- validate feelings.
so harh, must follow it lo when dealing with me. haha. =)
sleep pulls my eyelids closed as i struggle to keep them open.
hi pretty people! =)
life has been so-so, feel pretty tired lately, for no apparent reason at all. ><
so studies wise, im doing ok i think. i understand what the teachers are talking about. but horror, they remember my name liao. >< . since i got christian name. haihz.
my classmates are pretty friendly, we are exploring the territory everyday in search of new beauty places to eat. =p
erm erm. the only irritating thing at the moment is my having to wake up early and deciding what to wear everyday. ><
i hate being in the middle of all this conflict. friendship is meant to last, through think and thin. of course patience is necessary… i hope all of this works out. cause i love all u guys. <3
im selling my books btw, bit by bit, cause i don’t have enough space for all of it. so please support me yea. i sell cheap cheap only lo. >< http://bookstosell.blogspot.com/
owh. im loaded with homework, and trying to fit in studying everyday is killing me. thats why i always look tired nowadays, if i dun look tired its cause im having a particularly good day and i feel hyper. haha. =)
P/S i think i maybe over you. =)
Digi vs Hotlink
ok so i tech noob k. i cant even tell the difference between hotlink and maxis lo.
anyway i am currently facing a dilenma. i have 2 numbers now, one digi one and hotlink one. so it is kinda ma fan carrying 2 phones around. ==.
so i am opening this to vote. comment in my cbox. tell me which number i should keep. and i will keep the one that gets the most comments lo. sms-es and facebook posts also can. =)
i leave it open for bout 2 weeks ba? end of jan i gonna say bye bye to one number jor. =)
P/S 014 is hotlink people. hotlink. haha
silence is NOT? golden
ok so i’ve been going to college for 2 days liao.
haha. the verdict? too early to tell lo. =) so i’m not gonna blog about college yet. hahaa sorry to disappoint u lo
i tell you bout the expensive text books though. how i miss my bro being one yr older doing the same course then i dun need buy books liao. haih.
so the verdict?
maths(book and calculator) – RM330
econs – RM30
english – dun need. need dictionary only. o.-
accounts – RM10. yes. hahaha!!!
psychology – haven bought yet. gonna buy new one i think. RM63 =s
yup yup. thats the money ive spent on books. =s
my lecturers a? later only talk bout them ba. not sure how i feel yet. haha. but i got hw liao. and i feel like sleepin. bleh. ==
im starting to get to know my classmates. i guess it really does help to make the first move lo. some of them super nice. some still a little bit shy.
already i can feel the bonds that i forged during high school with my high school friends weakening. cant be helped. but stay in touch i guess. bleh. some are still strong though. =).
oh if u were wondering what is with the title? my lecturer set it as one of the class rules. lmao.
P/S i miss u. haih.
drew looks at me, i fake a smile so he won’t see..
you know your bored when
- you stare at your facebook home page waiting for people to update
- you get excited when people come online and talk to you on msn
- you start reading books that you have read before
- you become lame and talk about random things
- you become emo/depressed/ sensitive when people don put a heart next to your name in blog links
- you clean and clean and clean your room
- you become excited to go out and spend money you wouldn’t normally spend.
- you have a maggi party.
P/S, kidding bout some of it though. haha.
san fuuu
being sick very san fu one ok. every few minutes blow nose nia.
and sleep sleep sleep like pig ny, how i wish i was still 15 which was the growth phase right, i sleep so much sure become as tall as eddy dy. ==
somemore cannot eat. feel like puking ny. TT. and i got no appetite. so sad ok. ==.
and i kenot go out. ==. my msn screenname wrote “down with flu sry cant go out” xiang purposely comes and ask me go out. hmph. no friend you d. ==
ok so basically i cant do anything else cept rot at home since im sick. ==. got no energy to do nything else anyway. ==.
people ask me go out also kenot. sad sia. TT.
nyways, college gonna start soon, wanna go shopping anyone after im better? =p
P/S sherlock holmes batu! =)
supposed to be at a friends house watching fireworks with the classmates. but the plan fell through, for me.
i don’t want to usher in 2010 like this.
pissed at the world.
pissed that i’m always taken for granted.
pissed that i’m not pretty or attractive enough.
pissed at everybody.
pissed that nobody cares, because honestly? nobody does.
happy frickin 2010.