
every word you say i think i should write down. don’t wanna forget come daylight.

hello pretty people

yes the time is correct. i woke up at the ungodly hour of 3am to study malaysian studies. you know you are a nerd when you are willing to wake up so early to study malaysian studies. but then, i have failed. so far only finished 2 chapters. haha. given up reading the book, reading the notes by teacher.

oh my moral teacher is the same teacher as my malaysian studies teacher. TT. and our group video presentation got 9 or 9.5 out of 10. *big grins*.

so last week, cant remember wad day. meiyih suddenly pulled this baby out from her bag.

DSC00712 and since we are kids. guess wad we made.

a highway! HHAHAHAHAHAH.

ok fine i made a highway. then angus decided not fun enough so he made it backwards. and the car was stuck in the middle. ==.


im gonna see my new baby later today. =). <3



P/S. stresssss. me die now. *flops down on floor and stops breathing*

P/P/S owh going back to support hijau on friday i think. lets go! sms me if u wanna go. =).

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