
Louise’s Birthday

Briana, Louise and i went to celebrate Louise’s birthday at Kissaten at Palm Square. Louise was late. lmao. It was fun catching up and enjoying the food. owh owh. i’d give Kissaten a 3.5 out of 5.

There was good ambience, the service wasn’t too bad and the food was great. the drinks were… interesting? haha. i’ll let the pictures do the talking. =)

DSC_0751My phone can fit inside the cup!! =)DSC_0752 DSC_0757 cucumber and lychee drink. lmaoDSC_0761 We had peas while waiting for louise.

DSC_0759our phones can connect!!

DSC_0762 accidental heartshape. DSC_0763 DSC_0765 ma food. hahaDSC_0769 DSC_0764


DSC_0773  DSC_0775DSC_0776

DSC_0779Louise is so happy she’s crying!

Briana was being so lame, she kept saying after blow candles must cut cake, cannot blow nose in between. ==


I Believe...
That we don't have to change friends if
We understand that friends change.


love you guys loads. ill always be there for u. =)



P/S lou i still owe u a pressie. haha

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