
part 4

DSC00617 she calls me her partner in crime. =p. she’s the one who brightens up my day when i go to college everyday! =)

anyways, i’ve known you since form 1! gosh we’re old. we weren’t really that close. the occasional hi, bye, weird random thought. haha!. oh yeah, not to forget rumah! haha. you teman-ed me during rumah in form 3 i think? lmao.

then this year we ended up choosing the same subjects. and ended up in the same class in college. haha. coincidence much? i guess we weren’t that close before, but now i tell you almost everything. =).

not to mention, we share robert too. haha.

thank you for teman-ing me do some crazy things nowadays, handling my kiasu-ness and weird mood swings, not to mention me constantly saying im hungry. haha.

work hard for the goals that you have set! and we will both achieve the TERs that we want. not to mention, don’t hesitate to ask me questions if you don’t understand anything in class, and i’d return the favour! if i don’t understand either we will ask teacher. lol. =)



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