
wishful thinking.

a catch phrase normally used to express want in something that may not seem possible.

i’m going through that at the moment. wishfully thinking that my homework would finish itself on its own, when i go to sleep the pages would be empty, magically when i wake up they would be full with my handwriting ; wishfully thinking that all the work that i need to study for exam would march itself into my brain and take shelter there, bolstering my other knowledge, helping me achieve acceptable results for my peers and most importantly, myself ; wishfully thinking that the work and stress that comes with being club president would magically disappear, taking away that perpetual frown that seems to line my forehead nowadays. yes, all wishful thinking, ain’t it?

wishful thinking for me doesn’t come true, never has, never will. so i’m always stressed, being a little bit crazy and hyper at times will be a norm after a while. so people, you just have to put up with it until spm is over, then i’ll be back to my normal ‘happy’ self. heh.



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