

exams r finally over! yeah... freedom!!... hahhaz... not really... i was like tellin MY that its merdeka d and she had to remind me bout PMR next year... >.<... no larh... kiddin.... hehehz... but i think in the hols im gonna study with mei... I THINK... hahahz... depends larh... and hols that time i wanna go sleepover at JX && MY's house... hahahz... maybe only lerh... not sure yet... but one thing is for sure... im goin to Singapore around december... wanna know why ask me in school... i'm not gonna write it here lerh... it's private... hahahz.... and blogspot isn't exactly the place where you can write private things... hmm... oh yeah... im wonderin whether i should changr to beta... comments r much appreciated... =o)...
my after-exam resolutions...
~ start studying fro PMR...
~ write christmas list... ( my mum ask me to write one oh =o) )
~ be nicer and listen to people when they tell me their probs... =p
~ finish readin chinese and english books dat i've been puttin off
~ play more scrabble... ( hahahz... its a weird hobby... i noe )
~ be nicer to parents... ( i guess??)
~ be more grateful for what i have....
~ pray more often....
~ cut down on loli's and sweets... ( haihzzz....)
~ finish all my half finished projects...
~ practice drawing...
~ be nicer to all kinds of ppl... including snobs.... (those ppl u see on the road who bump into u but don't say sorry)
~ go out with frens!!! yeah!!!....
~ deno what else d... hahahz....

peace out
<+ anna banana +>

song of the day ~~ super junior - u... ( i deno y i like this song... kk... seeing as how its in jap.. =p)

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