secret recipe to being a happy person. =)
LIC club in session. =)
hello pretty people who still read i blog. =)
so i’m doing psychology this year for SAM right, and theres this part in my psychology textbook that tells u how to learn to be a happier person. like OMG? who doesn’t want to be happier? unless your some kinda goth emo person. O.O.
anyways, so what is the recipe to being a happier person. =)
sugar, spice and everything nice!!
ok seriously, to be happier, you should write down 3 good things that happened in your life that day. even if your having a really bad day, just write 3 good things that happened that day. also write why it made you happy.
for example, break time was great today
why? because i have awesome LIC people who make my laugh until my stomach hurts during break. =)
quite simple right? so you can do it too! and be a happier person. cause whats the point of living if your emo all the time! if your too lazy to write it down go spam my fb wall with it or tell me on msn or email about it. =).
loving the classmates and all the crazy times we have. some pictures not here, i’ll put them in slowly la. =p
Louise’s Birthday
Briana, Louise and i went to celebrate Louise’s birthday at Kissaten at Palm Square. Louise was late. lmao. It was fun catching up and enjoying the food. owh owh. i’d give Kissaten a 3.5 out of 5.
There was good ambience, the service wasn’t too bad and the food was great. the drinks were… interesting? haha. i’ll let the pictures do the talking. =)
My phone can fit inside the cup!! =)
cucumber and lychee drink. lmao
We had peas while waiting for louise.
accidental heartshape.
ma food. haha
Louise is so happy she’s crying!
Briana was being so lame, she kept saying after blow candles must cut cake, cannot blow nose in between. ==
I Believe...
That we don't have to change friends if
We understand that friends change.
love you guys loads. ill always be there for u. =)
P/S lou i still owe u a pressie. haha
moment of the day
we were having accounts class.
so one of my classmates Li Teng gave me some choc wafer thing, so u noe me i’ll do my celebratory sway from left to right with a little bob of the head right. ahaha. teacher caught me doing it. and started staring at me.
i couldn’t help it i started giggling and laughing. and couldn’t stop, was practically crying with laughter.
then teacher ignored me and went back to teaching. and i was sorta talking to myself going like i don get this. then teacher was like u dun understand?? i couldn’t help it started laughing again.
then teacher was like, i thought your one of the quiet ones. the people who sit with me started laughing like hell. Hahahh!!!!
life is sorta good. =)
it’s funny how strangers can become good friends, while good friends become strangers
i don’t know you anymore.
Louise says i sound depressed. am i? TT
been busy this weekend, busy next weekend, busy weekend after next and probably busy at the next next next weekend too. depressing much?
anyways, have decided to take a new lease on life. will act the way i want to and not cause i want to take care of people’s feelings, cause frankly. i am a human being too, not just someone there to hear your every whine, i have as much feelings as you, it’s just i choose not to show it.
today i did a survey, there was one question which reli struck me. what opinion do you have about your friends? you know what i answered, they’re there for you, but they will never really know you.
isn’t it amazing how my classmates of only 4 months can tell me the simple words i’ll be there for you, and make my day all the better. but friends of at least 5 yrs cant even say a simple hi, instead keep ignoring and doing irritating emoticons, not to mention cant even TALK TO ME. you don’t even read this anyways, you don’t care about how i feel anymore. so whatever la.
on a happier note, porky noodle tomorrow! =).
part 7
from the lib days. miss them. TT
hehe. so your actually one of my besties as well. i used to tell u everything single thing when we went to the lib all the time last time. i miss you. ><
anyways, ur a great person. the guy who gets u is lucky. =). and u look great nowadays btw. =)
when u free? we go out. =). movie marathon again!. and cheesecakeee!!! wooohoooo. ahha! =). i need back my secret recipe partner. =)
P/S im there for you whenever u wanna talk. =)
P/P/S econs presentation tomoro. yikes. ><
P/P/P/S everybody changing relationship status on april fools day. ==