

i hate cheating... is it really necessary... i mean... a person won't die if they don't cheat right.. but apparently in my class, they will, or so they think...
at least 75% of the people in my class cheat... what exactly is that showing... it shows that the world has gone to the dogs... if you don't understand what i mean, look it up... or maybe it's just my class that is like that? hmmm... i'm not insulting te class or anything... but i'm really pissed... so are a lot of people i might think... and not only from my class... what's the point of studying hard if a person can just cheat the way they do in my class... all you have to do is find a person willing enoguh to let you copy their answers and then yous all set.. you don't even need to worry about getting caught... cause the teachers are so blur in our school... im not saying im totally innocent and never cheated before in my whole entire life... believe me, i have... but i've stopped... it's a bad habit... i rather study hard or somethings not study hard and get the satisfaction and good feeling after you get high marks... and if you do get low marks... just work harder... whats so hard about that?... it doesn't kill... and cheating doesn't include the person who copies the answers, it also includes the person who gives the answers.. what is the person who copies the answers of the the person who gives the answers going the do later on in life? in a girls case, marry a rich man and live happily ever after?.. in a guys case, be a scam artist or a buisnessman and live happily ever after... whats the point?... your just living a life that is only going to be fulfilling when your alive... i believe that a person who works hard and studies hard gets to have that satisfaction in life... the feeling of being sucessful without cheating, without lying, without scamming... what could be more satisfying than that?... playing games, eating your favourite food until your sick of it, having fun all the time with spending money wastefully?... that is only temporary satisfaction or enjoyment... in my opinion la...
haihz... im crapping so much... but just think about it la... don't cheat for your own sake... it's not worth it when you get caught or have nobody to rely on to help you out of the ditch... it isn't fair to those who study and work hard... and it's not a game... somebody told me today, 'waa, today that game very nice to lay ah, the teacher so blur, after marking the paper then fell asleep, and then we had fun'. of course you now what she was referring to right.. don't act dumb... i didn't realise that cheating had become a game?... theres a friend in my class that i told about my frustration about this... and she was like 'your the only person not doing this'... of course it isn't true la... theres still so many people there who don't do it... but still... i feel disgusted... i thought our class was better than that..


P/S... im just saying what i want to... don't like it then don't read lo... not my problem... from now on... i'm gonna say what i wanna say in my blog instead of covering up...

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